When it comes to little Miss Ellie the Two Legit to Quit theme fits her perfectly! She is a little ball of energy that never stops! I guess maybe that comes naturally to all two year olds! At one point I wasn't sure if she would stay still for long enough to get any shots, but with a little time and a lot of coaxing from Mom and Dad we managed a few seconds of calm.
One really neat thing this family does is to bring along a photo from the previous year. You can see how much little Miss E has changed from last year and even the year before! This is going to be so cool when she is older and you will be able to see pictures from over the years all in one image.
It is crazy to think that I have had the pleasure of capturing Ellie grow since she was only 6 weeks old and this week she will be two!!!! From crawling to sitting, sitting to standing and now running around it is amazing to see. She is now talking and her little personality is really shining through. One of my favourite things about milestone sessions is capturing their little (or big!) personalities and I think we managed to capture that with Ellie!
Happy Birthday Miss Ellie! Enjoy Two :)
Two legit... Two legit to quit (hey... hey...) I can definitely say that I have had MC Hammer in my head all week, from working on the set, to editing the photos to now writing the blog. I am about ready to have a different song stuck in my brain. LOL.