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Practicing Physical Distancing not Social Distancing!


It is safe to say that things over the last few weeks have been anything but normal! People are isolating themselves in their homes, workplaces are attempting to have staff work from home, travel is restricted and businesses are closed or working hard to provide services via alternative delivery methods. People are scared and it is for good reason.

There is so much uncertainty in our lives right now. Will everyone I know be safe? How long will this last? Will my business survive? Will my favourite local businesses make it through this? And while we don't know answers to any of these questions I can't help but acknowledge how much we NEED EACH OTHER in this time of crisis.

Now is the time to reach out to our loved ones and connect! We may have to be creative in our methods to do this, but thankfully in 2020 there are so many different tools available to us. Nobody needs to go through this alone. It is time for our world to come together and be strong for one another.

Just this weekend my husband Joel and I have connected with many friends and family from across the country using Zoom, FaceTime, or just by phone! We even walked by a friends house and had a short visit with the length of the driveway between us! It is true that we need to practice physical distancing, but we can still come together socially and it is more important than ever that we do.

Here are some ideas for connecting:

  • Talk to a friend everyday. Use Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, Phones.....whatever works for you!

  • Reach out to those that you know may need a bit more social connection, friends and family that live on their own, people with depression or anxiety, or anyone that might need a bit more support to handle this difficult time. Be cognizant of their preferred method of communication, if they prefer texting just send them a text and let them know you are thinking of them.

  • Host a Happy Hour

  • Have a Netflix Party - watch movies and TV shows with friends

  • Plan an online Dinner Party - you could even share a recipe and have the same meal!

  • Surprise baking drops on front steps

There are so many creative ways to keep in touch with our loved ones! Share your ideas or what has worked for you in the comments.



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