At the start of 2020 I started my “Life in 366 Pictures” series. Little did I know that 2020 would be one of the strangest years that we will ever experience. The challenge of posting a picture every day was going to be tough enough, never mind not being able to leave the house or connect with people! I was still committed not to give up!
2020 has been a tough year on us all, but throughout the struggles there has been so much love, gratitude and joy as well. Looking through the 366 pictures yesterday and today I can't help but realize that 2020, downfalls and all, was still a great year.
We suffered a number of losses and challenges over the year, from dealing with the pain of our due date after our loss, job loss, a global pandemic, the loss of Joel's Dad, Ken, and the unexpected loss of our family dog Pete. Through all of this 2020 showed us that family, above all else, was the most important thing in our lives. Whether that family is biological or your chosen family!
We welcomed our niece, Clara, at the beginning of the year, settled into our home, spent lots of time together going for walks, working on the deck and connecting with our friends and family in new ways. Whether it was a zoom call, a driveway party, a drive-by birthday party, or delivering goodies! For us 2020 was a year of tying new meals and baking so many delicious treats!
Not surprisingly, food was a significant feature in my pictures over the year, with over 115 food and drink posts! Mo was second, making up about 20% of the years post, again no surprise there. The thing that did shock me a little was how often I appeared in the pictures! I much prefer to be behind the camera so I am so glad I forced myself to get out in front of it at least a few times (more than 60 times in fact!)
2020 is going to be a year that we will not soon forget. It is nice to be able to look back through these photos and remember it for the good things too, because there really were so many good things. I feel like the year has taught me to appreciate the little things and be grateful for everything that we do have.
Here is to 2021, another year of growth, joy and happiness.