This little guy was not too sure about his cake smash, which was the complete opposite of his older brother who absolutely demolished his cake when he was in the studio a couple of years ago. Little man was a little shy to start out but luckily came out of his shell as time passed. One of my favourite things is when the little smasher gets their feet in the cake. It doesn't happen al the time, but when it does it always makes me laugh. I can only imagine digging in to my bday cake with such reckless abandon LOL.
It means so much to me when I see families come back for a second cake smash and it is so much fun seeing the difference between siblings. It is also so sweet to see them in the same outfit and is a nice connection they will share when looking back on these memories.
It was great to have this little cutie and his family in the studio. Wishing you a Happy Birthday and a great year ahead!
Interested in booking a cake smash session for your little one's birthday? Send me a note and let's have some fun!