This is an extremely belated Birthday Blog for this little man....but better late than never right? I have had the absolute pleasure of seeing Jack grow up from a tiny little guy to the sweet little boy that he is today. One of my favourite things to do is look back over the years at the different galleries and really see how much they have changed!
Our photoshoots haven't always been the most fun for Jack, but he has been a great sport (a little easier than his sister I think ;) hehe). Jack and his Mama are one of the reasons I got into photography and I am forever grateful to them for sparking this passion in me. There is something so special about capturing these memories over the years. It has been a tough year not being able to see Jack on a semi regular basis. I am missing his sweet little personality, his giggles and his stories! Mo is missing their play time as Jack and his big sister are some of his all time favourite people. Can't wait until we can get together again.
Happy Belated Jack Jack! Next year "Auntie Jenni" will be more on top of her blog posts......maybe!