I have been photographing this little sweetie since even before she was born! Her Mama is one of my closest friends and over the years we have done more photo shoots than I can even remember. These two are the reason that I am a photographer today and I am forever grateful for their help in finding my passion for photographing kids and mamas.
I thought it would be neat to share a few of the memories over the years. I can't say Hanna has always enjoyed having her photo taken, but I know that someday she will look back on these and be glad we did them!
Every year for her birthday we hum and haw about what theme we should use for her photos. This year we decided to go with something simple and they turned out beautifully!
Hanna has grown into such a sweet little girl and I am so lucky to be "Auntie Jenni" to her. Her personality really comes out in her photos, even her silly side. She is kind, considerate and so very creative. She is a great big sister and one of my dog Maurice's favourite people!
Happy Birthday Hanna! Can't wait to watch you grow this year :)