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Getting Ready for our Trip! What to Pack???


The few days before a big trip is a time of excitement and stress for me. I always find myself doing so many last minute little things to be ready. In the past packing has been one of the biggest things that has stressed me out. I tend to be doing laundry the night before and waiting for things to dry until late into the night (I am talking 1AM or later people)! Not only did I stress myself out while packing but I always packed WAY TOO MUCH! I would lug around way more than I needed and come home at the end of the trip with things in my suitcase that I never even wore. There had to be a better way.

Last summer I did a purge of my closet (after watching some minimalism episodes on Netflix of course) and came across an App called Stylebook that I thought was a neat tool to better understand my closet. When I first started using it I wanted to better understand what I had my closet and how often I wore different items. Eventually I discovered it also had a packing feature. Bonus!

To get ready for our Toronto-Ireland-Nova Scotia trip I started to do some research on weather and packing a few weeks ago. Once I had a bit of an idea about what we should expect I started building my Honeymoon packing list. I am still finalizing my plan, but guess what, it is 2 days before we leave and half my items are packed and my laundry is 95% done!

Stylebook even creates an infographic to visual your items and your "looks." The nerd in me is happier than I can even describe. Check out my visual packing list and some of my "looks" for the trip below.

How do you get ready for a big trip? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below!



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