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5 Must-Have Items for a Stress-Free Baby Vacation


We just got back from our first big vacation as parents, and I am happy to say it was a success! I am not going to lie, leading up to the trip I was stressed out about many things; how to bottle feed a baby in a foreign country, will K sleep, will we have to go back to the hotel room for naps, what can she eat...the list of stressors was long.

We planned this trip shortly after we found out we were pregnant so we had a long time to get ready for it. One of my closest friends got married in Mexico 10 years ago and, even back then, talked about doing a 10th anniversary trip. This time it was to Punta Cana in The Dominican Republic. We booked the trip with a lap infant with no name or birthdate! It was so neat to think about how much had changed for everyone on the trip in the last 10 years, lots of families this time so they chose a family friendly resort. That made us happy as we knew our little one wouldn't be old enough to leave with someone for a whole week (or more likely mom wouldn't be OK yet for that long away).

I can't imagine our first out of country trip with our little miss going any better than it did! She did so well on the plane, was willing to nap poolside in he stroller when she was tired during the day, and was totally ok with sleeping either in her stroller or carrier when we were out later at night. She loved the pool and the colder water that made all the adults squeal when they first got in didn't make her flinch! There were a few things she was not as impressed with, the sand and waves on the beach were not her favourite and she really missed the free floor time she has at home to move around and explore. There weren't many spots that would have facilitated her free time. We would let her free on our bed while we were getting ready for supper but that was not long enough for her liking.

I was most stressed about how we were going to feed her while on the trip, but that ended up not being much of an issue. At home we are still boiling the water for her formula and sanitizing her bottles so I was worried about what we would do on vacation. Most of what I had read suggested using bottled water was fine, but that many bottled waters has high sodium so to be cautious. Luckily the water that our hotel provided had 0 sodium so there was no need to procure water elsewhere! Our butler at the hotel was amazing when we asked for a whole case of water, and it was replenished in the room without even having to ask. I was worried about what water to use to wash the bottles, so we ended up using bottled water for that as well. I bought a portable kettle that allowed us to warm up the water. I bought some sanitizing spray that we used on the nipples, although I am not sure how much that really did and probably wouldn't worry about bringing this again. The washing and rinsing with bottled water was annoying and I am so happy to be home and able to use the tap again! We brought some little snacks and pouches for her to eat, which she had some of, but is still more interested in mainly chewing food not eating it. We did give her a few little bites off our plates, including some plantain which she really liked (as did Mom & Dad!)

I for sure stressed more than I needed to leading up to the vacation, but I am glad I thought about things before the trip. I think the pre-stressing and planning allowed us to have an amazing stress free time.

These are my 5 Must-Have Items for a Stress-Free Baby Vacation:

  1. Baby Hip Carrier - we brought our full carrier for the airplane, but this was one of our best last minute purchases for the trip. It was great for feeding her by the pool and saved our backs when holding and rocking her to sleep in various spots around the resort.

  2. Baby Ear Muffs - these allowed us to participate in the nightly entertainment that was super loud, including the beach party which she essentially slept through. I have read so many things about protecting little ones ears and this gave me piece of mind and helped her get a little more sleep when out for the evenings.

  3. Toy Straps - these allowed us to attach toys and soothers to the stroller or the carrier without the risk of her throwing them on the dirty airplane on on the ground outside. She essentially got her first two teeth while on vacation so teethers strapped to the stroller were a must.

  4. Infant Tylonel - I need to say more? LOL

  5. Rashguards - these were so easy to put on and off while our little miss squirms about. I loved that they were full sleeved to protect her from the sun. We were good at reapplying sunscreen and keeping her in the shade as much as possible, but I like that these gave that extra level of protection.

Here are few more things I found useful that I would recommend bringing:

I didn't take as many photos as I would have like (surprising I know!!), but Joel kept reminding me it was OK to be living in the moment and just enjoying our time as a family.

Next trip is already planned, but it is just me and K this time to visit my parents in Arizona. I am already a little nervous about flying solo with her, but if it was anything like this trip I think we will be good!


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